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Lichens are found just about everywhere in subtropical Florida. Some of the richest places are cypress wetlands, coastal mangroves and hammock and bayhead edges.

It is too early in our study to associate lichen and tree species extensively; however, obvious very specific associations exist.  Some are found in open areas with lots of sun, while others frequent shaded hammock interiors. To date, some have been found only on dahoon holly, a medium size tree. Others apparently exist only in seaside locations, (Amandinea milliaria, for example).     

The photo to the left is of lichens on Jamaican dogwood, Piscidia piscipula, at a seaside hammock edge.
Pointing the mouse at any picture below will provide a description of the habitat.

  Lichens on Spanish Stopper ( Eugenia foetida) in edge of seaside hammock on East Cape Sable, ENP. Pyrenolichens are especially common on this tree.Lichens, including Graphis afzelii, on Paradise Tree (Simarouba glauca) on inland hammock edge.Hammock interior with thin trunks of Myrsine (Rapanea punctata) and associated patches of lichens.
In this harsh habitat of sun, heat and salt spray, lichens with perethecia (pyrenolichens) are very common.Lichens on Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) roots on East Cape Sable, Everglades National Park.The dark orange patches are the lichen Pyrenula cerina, a common associate of mangrove roots on the shores of Florida Bay.
 Pyrenula ochraceoflavens, P. cerina and Trypethelium eluteriae are among several lichens represented on this branch of Blackbead (Pithecellobium keyense).More distant photo of another Blackbead lichen encrusted branch.More than eight species of lichen were found on this one clump of Blackbead.
At the upper region of Rookery Branch fresh water begins to replace salt water. Even though the mangrove species are the same as those found on the shores of Florida Bay, the lichens associated with them are different.Rookery Branch and its rich lichen flora are accessible only by boat.